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Nos adhésions

Au QcABA, nous proposons différents types d'adhésion conçus pour répondre aux besoins et aux intérêts diversifiés de nos membres. Que vous soyez un analyste du comportement chevronné, un étudiant aspirant à entrer dans le domaine, ou une personne engagée dans la promotion de l'analyse du comportement, nous avons une option d'adhésion pour vous.

Choose your membership

  • Membre étudiant/Student Member

    Ideal for aspiring behavior analysts.
    Valable 12 mois
    • Discounted membership fees
    • Educational resources
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Scholarships and awards eligibility
    • Professional network access
    • Continuing education
    • Newsletter and publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Job postings and career resources
  • Most Popular

    Membre régulier/Regular Member

    Perfect for dedicated behavior analysts.
    Valable 12 mois
    • Voting rights and leadership eligibility
    • Extensive professional network
    • Continuing education opportunities
    • Newsletter and exclusive publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Job postings and career resources
  • Membre donateur/Sustaining Member

    Perfect for champions of behavior analysis.
    Valable 12 mois
    • Recognition as a key supporter
    • Exclusive event invitations
    • Enhanced networking opportunities
    • Professional network access
    • Continuing education
    • Newsletter and publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Job postings and career resources
  • Membre Affilié/Affiliate Member

    Perfect for those with a professional interest in behavior analysis
    Valable 12 mois
    • Participation in association activities
    • Professional network access
    • Continuing education
    • Newsletter and publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Job postings and career resources
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