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Our memberships

At QcABA, we offer various types of memberships tailored to meet the diverse needs and interests of our members. Whether you're a seasoned behavior analyst, a student aspiring to enter the field, or you are committed to promoting behavior analysis, we have a membership option for you.

Choose your membership

  • Membre étudiant/Student Member

    Ideal for aspiring behavior analysts.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Discounted membership fees
    • Educational resources
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Scholarships and awards eligibility
    • Professional network access
    • Continuing education
    • Newsletter and publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Job postings and career resources
  • Most Popular

    Membre régulier/Regular Member

    Perfect for dedicated behavior analysts.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Voting rights and leadership eligibility
    • Extensive professional network
    • Continuing education opportunities
    • Newsletter and exclusive publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Job postings and career resources
  • Membre donateur/Sustaining Member

    Perfect for champions of behavior analysis.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Recognition as a key supporter
    • Exclusive event invitations
    • Enhanced networking opportunities
    • Professional network access
    • Continuing education
    • Newsletter and publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Job postings and career resources
  • Membre Affilié/Affiliate Member

    Perfect for those with a professional interest in behavior analysis
    Valid for 12 months
    • Participation in association activities
    • Professional network access
    • Continuing education
    • Newsletter and publications
    • Conference and course discounts
    • Advocacy support
    • Mentorship opportunities
    • Job postings and career resources
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